Algorithm Development.

Tetra-H provides a versatile development platform that grows with the project development process.

Using Tetra-H’s communication tool, it is possible to build a simple PC interface which enables algorithm development to be tested, evaluated and monitored during the product development.

This can save huge amounts of time in the development process, particularly for embedded systems which are otherwise insulated from the outside world and abrogates the need for extensive simulation techniques, all of which require additional software, overhead and development time.

By this means, it's possible to develop algorithms on a PC-based system, which can then be ported onto the embedded system with minimal effort, using the same design structure and transferring code blocks section by section. This process has been used successfully to enable development of many complex projects involving signal analysis and processing, in which code may be written on the PC to develop components for the embedded system.

The embedded system uses code generated in ‘C’ which may readily be tied in to any part of the system under development. The PC code is provided by a DLL which may be linked to in a variety of languages to suit the project testing and production and required user interface.